Burnham Nationwide Launches Continuing Education Program
Join Christopher Chwedyk, Director of The Code Group, for a 5-session with AIA Credits.
Burnham Nationwide is pleased to share that it has launched a continuing education program, starting with “How to Think About Building Codes: 5 Sessions With AIA Credit.” The sessions will be delivered by Christopher Chwedyk, AIA, CIS, NCARB, Director of The Code Group at Burnham. The monthly series started in August and will continue until December 2023. The first three sessions, Code Basics, Code Concepts, and Codes & Standards Integration, were in August, September, and October respectively. The next course, Building Code Integration, will be held on November 30, and registrations are now open. Then the last session, Communicating with the Code Official will be held on December 14.

Interested individuals can take one course or all five and get an AIA Continuing Education Credit. The course fee starts at as low as $10, depending on the AIA membership. Burnham Nationwide has started this initiative to share their knowledge with fellow professionals and make sure the architects and engineers obtain the required continuing education credits to keep their licenses and certifications up to date. Right now, they have two courses, i.e. the 5-session series with AIA credit and the HalfMoon seminars about multi-family residential new construction projects.
Burnham has been offering permit expediting services, building code consulting services, and site plan reviews for more than 30 years. Its team consists of code experts who are members of the national and municipal code drafting committees. They come with a profound knowledge of relevant municipal codes. The building code consultants and permit expeditors also stay on top of the latest updates about code interpretations. Apart with being in constant touch with the municipal code officials, they also present in workshops and seminars on building code compliance and take classes at teaching universities.
As part of the building code consulting services, the consultants conduct comprehensive reviews for zoning, site planning, historic preservation, energy conservation, and life safety to ensure that the project is in compliance with the applicable jurisdictional and land use regulations. They also work on safety code issues with regard to egress, fire alarm systems, and sprinklers. Facilities that have complex code issues need code compliance experts overseeing the project. Burnham has some of the best building code consultants who are experts in building, electrical, accessibility, plumbing, mechanical, energy, standards, and sprinkler codes.
Meanwhile, its permit expediting services are designed to help facilitate the project manager’s interaction with all the project stakeholders, such as owners and/or developers, municipalities, architects, engineers, and contractors. The permit expeditors review all building permit applications for accuracy and completeness. They monitor the review process and update the project team advising them on corrective measures, if any. The project plans and their supporting documents are stored in a secured online database, which aligns with the municipal online portals for easy access anytime, anywhere. Burnham Nationwide facilitates necessary permits throughout the project lifecycle, including special scenarios such as demolition, substructure construction, full building structure construction, and tenant build-outs.
To learn more, visit https://www.burnhamnationwide.com/.
About Burnham Nationwide
Burnham Nationwide works in over 3,000 cities across the United States. Its clients include Fortune 500 companies and some of the nation’s premier development firms. It offers a systematic, professional approach that streamlines and navigates the complex planning, submission, and approval process so that you don’t have to. With over 30 years of experience in the construction industry, it is the trusted resource for every client and every project. Having obtained well over 100,000 permits nationwide, it has the experience necessary to help with all your permitting needs. Its people, dedication, and passion set it apart from the competition. At Burnham, they are committed to “simply getting it done”.
Burnham Nationwide
Address: 111 W Washington St, Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: 312-407-7990
Website: https://www.burnhamnationwide.com/
newsroom: news.38digitalmarket.com